Saturday, January 14, 2012

Things To Say To Turn On Each Male Zodiac Sign?

What are some 1-line sayings that turn each male zodiac sign on? Quick things to say that relate/appeal to their zodiac sign? What are some ways to seduce them, for instance, how to seduce them through the sayings or in any other way you know of? Please and thank you:) Serious answers and no links! Just copy and paste!Things To Say To Turn On Each Male Zodiac Sign?
Aries - HOT DAYUMMMM, is it me or are you smokin' ?

Taurus - I make good SANDWICHES ;D

Gemini - We can talk dirty all day baby !

Cancer - How you doin' ? ;)

Leo - You are the best looking beast I have ever laid my eyes upon

Virgo - We can clean your house together! I haaaave a mop! ;DD

Scorpio - you look better in your BIRTHDAY SUIT . Aww yeeeeeah (:

Libra - Hey hottie, dang boy you fiiiine

Sagittarius - I could take you to the moon ...

Capricorn - Lets study together! JK.

Aquarius - I dig your funk

Pisces - All night I've been dreaming about yoouThings To Say To Turn On Each Male Zodiac Sign?
Aries - just be strong, independant
Taurus - be real, be attractive
Gemini - act aloof
Cancer - be open, warm hearted
Leo - be enthuiastic, communicative
Virgo - be clean, conservative
Scorpio - be sweet
Libra - anything will turn these air heads on.......
Saggi - talk about your hike around Mt compass
capricorn - be down to earth, realistic
aquarius - be self confident, open minded
pisces - be everything that is in their dreams

if you want things to say to certain signs to win them, your joking yaself. but i will do it as a joke

Aries - "i can beat you"
Taurus - "i wanna lie in the garden all day, naked"
Gemini - "what is your opinion on.......?"
Cancer - "give me a hug"
Leo - "wowa look at your biceps"
Virgo - l"ets have a shower together"
Libra - "your ugly" - anything will charm these idiots
Scorpio - "i understand you"
Saggi - "lets run away together... nakedThings To Say To Turn On Each Male Zodiac Sign?
Aries - "Let's go skydiving before we go out to dinner! :D"

Pisces - "I think I met you in another life, I know those eyes"

Aquarius- "You're otherworldly, I've never met anyone like you before"

Gemini - "What are you thinking"

Libra - "WOW you're pretty!"

Leo - "I love you already, you're amazing"

Taurus - "Can I have a hug? :)"

Virgo - "Awww, are you shy? ^^"

Capricorn - "You're so intelligent you're actually making me feel kind of dumb"

Sagittarius - "Wanna be my new best friend?"

Cancer - "You're so cute and nice :D"

Scorpio - "It's unbelievable you're not actually on fire, you know, since you must be the hottest person on earth."

Fire signs: be friendly and affectionate with them, and real, ask questions + be energetic

Air signs: Stay a little distant but still be friendly, be interesting + maybe unsual

Water signs: Don't be overly loud, be genuine and listen to what they say

Earth signs: Be intelligent, make sure the conversation is equal, smile :)
Aries - you're number one

Taurus - you make so much sense

Gemini - you make eveything sound clear

Cancer - i love you

Leo - dont say anything, just kiss us

Virgo - you're the funniest

Scorpio - i want you and only you hot stuff

Libra - you're smart

Saggi - whatever you want me to do i'll

capricorn - i dont care what we do, we can do nothing and i'll still be happy

aquarius - anything technology related

pisces - you're the most creative man i know

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