please explain what purpose it serves? what about other constellations as well?
which degrees of Scorpio are its major stars or star clusters? (what is difference?)
thanks for your answers!Why and how did Astronomers change the zodiac boundaries that we study in Astrology?
I'll try to answer your questions, but I'm not sure if I have a firm handle on the exact answer you want.
Most ancient cultures claimed they saw pictures in the stars patterns of the night sky. That said, I want to add that I'm certain that ancient civilizations saw things we no longer see, and also had a different perspective that today's world of lights everywhere, and smog and pollution. I don't like hearing the life and heritage of the ancient peoples minimized. With that out of the way, I'll add that the earliest known efforts to catalog the stars date back to cuneiform texts and artifacts dating back about 6000 years.
There's archaeological evidence that long ago in Mesopotamia, people were seeing the stars as dots, and connecting them by lines into what shape they thought it formed.There's remnants found in the valley of the Euphrates River, which suggest the ancients observing the heavens saw a lion, a bull, and a scorpion in the stars. Any attributes given were very basic and simple, and about things such as when to plant crops or heal certain health problems.
Later in Babylon more "connect the dots" forms were defined and given some simple definitions as to meaning. Then around 2nd century A.D the most thorough star catalog from ancient times belongs to the Ptolemy of Alexandria, who grouped 1022 stars into 48 constellations. Twelve of these were determined along the zodiac path, the ecliptic.
The constellation of Scorpio was not divided up recently. An occurrence known as the precession of the equinoxes does shift some of the placements. No one made a new constellation, it's just that with the shifting, some persons are saying that Ophiuchus should be included. Astrologers want to keep the 360 degree divided by 12 equal signs of 30 degrees each. It's not because the constellations perfectly contain 30 degrees each, because they don't. Over centuries of time, astrologers decided what interval seemed to define each sign, and that is become the gold standard of astrology, to use the 12 signs. Similarly, a clock measuring time will have 360 degrees in the circle, with 12 hour intervals for each half day.
One interesting point is that no matter what system you use, the aspects between planets will remain the same. To most dedicated followers of astrology, the aspects are the most important issues.
So basically, the ecliptic or zodiac is comprised of 360 degrees.Why and how did Astronomers change the zodiac boundaries that we study in Astrology?
They didn't. The current locations are true for everything but astrology. Where and what constellations are on the zodiac line changes over time. The skies are in constant motion and do not care about made up fortune telling systems. Where the sun really is now compared to where the sun is for astrology is not relevant. Two thousand years ago, when the zodiac was a calendar, the first day of spring was also the first day of Aries. Now spring is a sign off in Pisces.
Astrology (fortune telling) has nothing to do with astronomy (true science). Except when astronomers find new objects. Then it is up to the astrologers that make up the stereotypes
Edit: It is always a numbers game. Astrology has to be 12 signs, that number divides easy. Add or take away a sign means a prime number.
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