Thursday, January 19, 2012

What Happens With The New Zodiac Signs And Marriage?

If Your Married To The Person That Your Zodiac Is Compatible With...What Happens With The New Zodiacs and Compatibility?What Happens With The New Zodiac Signs And Marriage?
It's not new. Astrologers have known about the shifting of the earth for a long time, but someone from the media columns just found out what they should have learned in high school general science. Tropical astrologers have been aware of this for centuries, but they've kept a system that was set up by some of the original astrologers. Use what system works for you, but most astrologers are not going to include Ophiuchus because there's no need. The constellations are used for points of reference in a chart or circle, and the divisions have nothing to do with constellations other than the names.What Happens With The New Zodiac Signs And Marriage?
You were born on a certain day, year, time and place... that will never change. It's where the planets were at the time of your birth.

You are still whatever Sign you always were and so is your partner and don't let anyone tell you different!

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