Saturday, January 14, 2012

What do you think about the recent change of our zodiac signs?

Should I still go by the horoscope of my old sign?? I was a scorpio, and it fit me perfectly.

But now.....I am a libra. Nooo way! What are your thoughts/opinions of the change?What do you think about the recent change of our zodiac signs?
Sign changed, your horoscope probably won't.
Per Hazel Dixon Cooper, author of the Rotten Day astrology books, our signs are not actually changing: "A story is going around stating that the signs of the zodiac astrologers use are wrong. This is not true. The signs have been based on the seasons, not the constellations, for over 2000 years. According to astrologer Jeff Jawer, the source is someone at the Minnesota Planetarium Society. These stories appear every few years. Don't worry, your sign hasn't changed."What do you think about the recent change of our zodiac signs?
I don't go by horoscopes because they are said to be taking the word of God lightly.

However, I went from a Taurus to an Aries, which was kind of odd. Green was always my favorite color (birthstone emerald). But it's okay because now I'm a diamond.

Some people the personalities fit and some they don't so I don't think too much of horoscopes.

But yeah, there's my opinions.
just because the name of your sign changes doesn't mean your personality changes. i went from scorpio to virgo, but my personality still matches how a scorpio is described. whatever you wanna call yourself, you're still you. a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...What do you think about the recent change of our zodiac signs?
i LOVE it. im no longer Cancer. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. that was so opposite of my personality. and now you can choose one or the other.
It's not true.!/hazel.dixonco… She's an astrologer check what she has to say.

@DarkVixen. This is great! You follow her too!…

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