Saturday, January 14, 2012

Is the changing of zodiac signs a joke or what?

I just heard about this and I think it's just crazy. Can someone explain what purpose this serves and what are other opinions of it?Is the changing of zodiac signs a joke or what?
Amid all this nonsense, let me note that it can be refuted with other nonsense.

The western world goes by the tropical zodiac, which is defined by the equinoxes. The western world has NEVER used the sidereal zodiac, which is the one that has supposedly "changed".

That means you are still the sign you thought you were and there is no need to get a new tattoo.
The Sun and the stars around us aren't stationary, as the ancients thought. That means that the system they put together based on the positions of the stars has slowly changed over time, which--yes--would affect positions on the zodiac.

Still and all, the zodiac itself is a bit of a joke. Think about it--it was thought up by people thousands of years ago who hadn't the faintest idea what a star or planet was. Rather than balls of gas or rock, they assumed those pretty lights were some kind of supernatural things put up there to give us hints about what the gods had planned for us. So why should we give any credence to such a construct?Is the changing of zodiac signs a joke or what?
Its purpose is to sell a few newspapers and get some extra website hits.

Nothing has changed. Some dumb journalist has just learned that there are two different types of astrology and decided to make a splash about it, thinking that nobody else knew. In fact it's been known for about 2,000 years.

Talk about late with the news.
No, it is not a joke, its a universal decision to update the system. We've replaced Taurus with Taurine, Virgo with Virgin, Pisces with Pies and Scorpio with, er, well we could only think of VZ 61. It makes it more commercial and easier to remember.

Don't forget, it isn't Ice Cream if it isn't ToyotaIs the changing of zodiac signs a joke or what?
People think you can change your zodiac sign? Are they mentally disabled or something. That would mean changing the day you were born on. And I have no idea what purpose this can be for as zodiac signs bring no use to you in life. Some people are just stupid

Virgo is now Virgin? So I'm a Virgin. I didn't realise I'd just travelled 4 years into the past...
It's as silly as going to a building each Sunday to speak to a ghost.

I might go and become a Taurus, Being a freedom loving Sagittarius is growing boring,and people always say I'm full of bull......

Now how do I change my birth year so I can change my Chinese Zodiac.....
Yes, it is a hoax.The signs have been off for some 200 years and astrologers aren't about to change now.
It is the most ridiculous thing.
I'm laughing my butt off those folks who think its important. It's such a silly, meaningless thing to worry about.
No, but caring about it is.

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