Saturday, January 14, 2012

How many words can you make from the letters "zodiac constellations"?

Words must be 3 or more letters in length and abbreviations are not allowed. You are also not allowed to use plural versions of a word created by adding the letters "s", such as cat and cats.How many words can you make from the letters "zodiac constellations"?
ace, aced, access, accession, acid, acidic, acne, act, acted, action, ado, ade, adze, alas, ale, alien, all, allot, allotted, alone, anal, annal, anode, ant, antic, antidote, aside, assent, asset, ate, atonal, atone, attic, atoll,

cad, call, called, can, candle, cane, caned, cant, canto, case, cased, cast, castle, cat, cattle, ceil, cell, cent, cilia, clad, class, cleat, clone, cloned, close, closed, clot, coast, coasted, coat, cocoon, cod, coda, code, coil, coiled, coin, coined, collate, collated, collation, collect, collection, colt, condition, conditional, conditioned, cone, conic, conical, cool, cooled, coot, cosset, cost, cot, cote, cotton, cozen,

dale, dance, date, daze, deacon, deal, dealt, dell, denial, detail, detonate, dial, dice, dictate, dilation, dilate, din, dine, disco, distant, distance, distill, distillate, dole, doll, dolt, don, donate, done, dose, dot, dote, doze,


east, eat, elation, eon,

ice, iced, icon, iconic, idle, idol, ill, inaction, incessant, incest, inset, insect, install, installation, installed, into, ion, ionic,

lace, laced, laconic, lactate, lad, lade, laden, laid, lame, land, lance, lane, laocoon, lass, last, late, laten, laze, lazed, lead, least, lend, lent, lest, lice, licit, lie, lien, line, lion, little, local, lode, loon, loot, looted, lose, loss, lot, lotion,

nail, nailed, nasal, natal, nation, national, neat, nest, net, nice, nine, nit, nod, node, none, nonet, noon, noose, nose, nosed, note, noted, notion,

oast, oat, oaten, ocean, oceanic, ode, oleic, once, one, onto, otic,

sac, sad, said, saint, sainted, sale, saline, salon, saloon, salt, salted, sane, sat, Satan, satanic, sate, sated, satin, scald, scale, scan, scant, scat, scion, scone, scoot, seal, seat, second, sect, section, sectional, sell, sent, set, side, sidle, sill, since, site, size, slain, slant, slat, slate, slated, slice, sliced, slid, slide, slit, snit, snood, social, sod, soda, soil, soiled, sold, sole, son, sonnet, soon, soot, sot, stain, stained, stale, stall, stalled, stallion, stance. stanza, state, stated, static, station, stationed, steal, stein, stint, stoat, stole, stolen, stollen, stone, stoned, stool,

taco, tact, tacit, tad, tail, talc, tale, tail, tailed, tall, talon, tassel, tat, tea. teal, tell, test, tic, tile, till, tilled, tin, tine, tined, toast, toasted, toe, toenail, toil, toll, tolled, tomcat, tome, ton, tonal, tone, toned, tonic, tonsil, too, tool, tooled, toot, tootle, toss, tossed, total, totalled,

Zea, zeal, zed, Zen, zonal, zone, zoo,How many words can you make from the letters "zodiac constellations"?
I wasn't DONE yet!!! Darn it! I just had to take a break and then I was coming right back! I had so much more to add!!!!

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How many words can you make from the letters "zodiac constellations"?
Is 200 enough?

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